Friday, March 27, 2015

The Perfect Time To Sell

Everyone – just take a deep breath and take a look outside. The snow is finally gone, and we can see the very beginning of little buds forming on our trees. Spring is here – soon our yards will have green grass and flowers will bloom!

Spring is the perfect time to sell your home. Potential home buyers enjoy the freshly-planted flowers next to your front walkway, the beautiful colors of flowering trees in your backyard, and the sweet smells which only spring can offer.

Selling your home gives spring cleaning a new meaning. If you are currently thinking of selling your home, be sure to pack up any personal items such as family photos. It makes it much easier for potential home buyers to picture themselves in the home when they are not looking at your child on the refrigerator. If a room is cluttered, place some excess furniture in a storage unit to provide more space – this step will also allow a room to appear larger.

Outdoors, be sure to rake up your yard, plant some flowers, pick up fallen tree branches, and repair any damage that may have occurred during the winter.

Thinking of selling your Bucks County home? Looking for a new home in Bucks County? Call me today at 215-519-1399 or visit my website for more information.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Teach Your Teen Safe Driving Tips Early

Remember when you got your license? You were excited, scared, and nervous to get behind the wheel by yourself – all at the same time. You also couldn’t wait to pick up your friends and go for a ride.

If you are the parent of a teenager, it’s important for you to know they feel the same exact way. They’re ready for that freedom – for that next step in life. However, in today’s world, things are a little different. There are so many other distractions such as cell phones and Bluetooth – that it makes it much easier for anyone to take their eyes off the road. And unfortunately, it’s that “split-second” decision that can be catastrophic.

According to, teenagers only represent approximately 7% of licensed drivers. However, over 20% of fatal crashes involve teenage drivers.

Make sure teenagers know to adhere to the following:

·      Always wear a seatbelt.
·      Obey speed limits.
·      Stay out of the way of aggressive drivers.
·      Don’t watch your friends wrestle in the back seat, or put on makeup while you’re driving. In other words, don’t take your eyes off the road.
·      If you’re tired, pull over.
·      Never Text And Drive

Be sure to discuss safe driving with your teen driver. It just might save their life – or another’s.

Looking for a new home in Bucks County? Call me today at 215-519-1399 or visit my website for more information.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rent Or Buy? Tips To Help You Make The Right Choice

One of the toughest choices you can make is if you should rent or purchase a home. Renting of course means you are free from worrying about home repairs, and even in some cases you don’t have to mow your lawn (especially if you live in an apartment or condo). Purchasing a home has its perks as well – you can change the layout of your home, paint the walls, and change out the carpeting at your own leisure.

How long are you thinking of living in the area? This question applies to many of us – if you are planning on living in the area for more than five years, purchasing a home is more than likely going to be a better option. If you are normally transferred because of job changes, or are considering moving within five years, renting is a better option.

How much money do you have built up in savings? When purchasing a home, you need a down payment. The higher the down payment you are able to place, the lower your mortgage payment. If you currently don’t really have the money for a down payment, you might want to consider renting for a while until you have some extra money set aside.

Call me today with any questions you have on finding the right Bucks County home. You can reach me at 215-519-1399 or visit my website for more information.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Life Happens – Refinancing Options To Help During Difficult Times

There are all kinds of things in life that just happen. Some are planned, such as a teen going to college – most life events are not so planned, such as a sickness, death or even a tragedy.

When events happen in our lives that we don’t expect, we get behind in payments, and start to wonder where the money will come from. Refinancing your home is a way of lowering your monthly mortgage payments, which can help you save money.

Refinancing is an option if you have never been late on your mortgage payments. If you haven’t been late on your mortgage payments within the last six months, you may qualify for the Home Affordable Refinance Program.

Some of us have a high interest rate or an adjustable mortgage rate. In those cases, refinancing can also be an option. You may also qualify if you have equity built up in your home.

Not sure if you qualify? Contact your mortgage company. They will assist you with all of your questions, and help you potentially lower your mortgage payment.

Thinking of refinancing your home in Bucks County? I can assist in answering some of your questions. Call me today at 215-519-1399 or visit my website for more information.